Red Eye – Victor AD Covers Taylor Live Magazine’s Latest Issue

Q : Can you tell us about you in (3) sentences?
Ans: My name is Victor Adere popularly known as Victor AD. I am a singer, songwriter and performing artiste.
Q : How has growing up at Kirikiri, Lagos like? Has it impacted your musical skill or talents?
Ans: I grew up in both kirikiri Lagos and Warri, speaking on how growing up in these two places have
affected me and my music, I guess all I can say is that the struggles and trials have been preparing
me for the journey ahead.

Q : What got you into music?
Ans: I have always had a love for music right from when I was a little kid.
Q : What do you feel is the best song you’ve ever released and why?
Ans: I feel the same way about any and all my songs they are the best they can be, I mean it’s like
having 3 kids you can’t love anyone of them any less.
Q: Which musician would you like to collaborate with next? Why?
Ans: I’d welcome the idea of a collaboration from anyone doing good music.
Q : Do you have a mentor you look up to in Nigerian music industry?
Ans: I listen to and respect Jay Z, 2 Face, Brymo, Lucky Dube and others.
Q : If you can have your fan remember one thing about you, what would it be?
Ans: If i can have my fan remember one thing about me it’d be how my music has impacted them
and their lives positively.
Q : If you could be a car, which would you be and why?
Ans: LOL, No comment.
Q : How do you feel having finally acquiring one, was to get back at the doubters?
Ans: What can i say? I thank God for everything.

Q : On a scale of 1 to 9549 , how good is your new single compared to your last one?
Ans: Like i said it’s not a competition, I see all my songs in the same light.
Q : If you could date any other musician (or celebrity), who would it be and why?
Ans: LOL, No comment.
Q : If you had one message to give your fans, what would it be?
Ans: It would be to never give up on your dream, that you are down now doesn’t mean you can’t get
back up, if Victor AD can make it you too can, everyone’s dream is valid, be consistent and always
remember to PRAY FOR GRACE.
Q : Can you tell us how you came up with the name Victor AD?
Ans: Lol, a friend gave me the name actually, i had different names back then, from Victor Big to
Fizzy amongst others. Lol But we thank God for Grace.
Q : When you recorded the track ‘Wetin You Gain’ did you envisaged it becoming a hit?
Ans: I knew it was going to be a hit, I just didn’t know it was going to be that fast, because i recorded
Wetin We Gain, when i was at the point of giving up, it was and still is a conversation between
myself and God.

Q : What is the inspiration behind RED EYE THE EP?
Ans: REDEYE the EP is a true story. It tells the truth about the scars I have sustained and the
struggles I have been through.. “I might appear ugly on the outside but trust me I am very pretty
Red Eye the EP tells a story of Victor AD, a young man who is not perfect, who has made mistakes
several times. An aspiring guy trying to make a good name for himself like everyone else.
The irony of the whole matter is that we have all made more mistakes while trying to correct the
existing mistake. I am someone who grace has brought far. but still, have had to grind my whole life
for the good days to come ”
I want the world to learn from my story as someone who has been cheated on time and again but
who is now trying to be strong.
“Red Eye the EP is dedicated and made for all the ghetto kids out there.. I say to them ” let all the
scars and the struggle you’ve been through motivate you” Have no fear.

Credit: Cover Star @victoradere
Editor In Chief @seyiitaylor
photographer @photographercharlie
Artistic Direction / stylist : @iamcutesaint
Creative Director : @stateofsurprise
Make up : @resplandorbyhorsfall
Designer: @amaariol @republicretailhub @nextberries @lapparella_official
Graphics : @trytune
Powered by: @taylorliveng & @phinewardmedia
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