This Tekno will never stop with all the advice he keeps sending out to his fans. He did a lot of advising last year. And he has apparently started this year with advice as well.
His advice to fans last year were kind of bizarre, considering the kind of lifestyle keeping his advice would promote. Imagine telling the female folk to have as many boyfriends as they wish…
Where in the world would that lead our generation?
He further advised the male folk to enjoy life all the can and f*ck any lady that comes around. Again, where would that lead our generation?
It’s true that these things are prevalent in the world we live in. But there are people who are doing their best to keep it on the low and possibly extinguish it before the younger generation adapt it and take it to the next level. But Tekno doesn’t seem to care! He’s only interested in enjoying life and f**king the hoes!
Surprisingly, the singer came up with a rather reasonable advice this time around, and it had to do with men beating women.
The singer passionately spoke against domestic violence on women, urging the male folk not to manhandle women and blame it on the devil, as is their attitude to do. That was quite a reasonable advice from Tekno this time around.
The New Year has sure come with new things. Kudos to him.