This is a short story on the birth of Roughedge®. The young lads who by God’s grace are brothers started university like every student, immediately in the eyes of everyone, a billion “nice shirts”, “nice trads”, “nice khacks” were the order of the day, even whenever mistakenly stepping out. Where did you buy this?/ do you have anyone sending you clothes overseas?/who gets this clothes, ideas, materials, designs for all the clothes you wear? Too many ‘I did from one mouth to the rest of the world was too tiresome, hence the birth of RoughEdge.
RE as a home name to many in the institution, slowly but definitely spread out even out of the institution. Best dressed male/female on any award day definitely has an affiliation with RE. By God’s grace we’ve been able to combine school/work/market/hustle back in school & we through. So RoughEdge is preparing to go Nationwide & we can only be the next kyle&Fitch from your patronize. We are willing & able to share all our “you look good/your looking very daper/ your wardrobe on fleek & e.t.c…with the world & it only starts with one or two RoughEdge attires in your closet. Bank with RoughEdge, stay 💯 classic man.