Sharon Ooja Style 1

Gracing us with her presence, and on time, Sharon Ooja appeared no less stunning than she is on the big screens. Our very own fashionista left us ecstatic and at ease with her cordiality regarding the more serious issues on fashion and entertainment. By letting us peek a bit into her life, we caught a glimpse of the confidence, grace, and light she effortlessly gives out; which is no surprise because it’s the very message she aims to pass whenever she dresses up every morning.Gracing us with her presence, and on time, Sharon Ooja appeared no less stunning than she is on the big screens.
Sharon Ooja Style 2

Our very own fashionista left us ecstatic and at ease with her cordiality regarding the more serious issues on fashion and entertainment. By letting us peek a bit into her life, we caught a glimpse of the confidence, grace, and light she effortlessly gives out; which is no surprise because it’s the very message she aims to pass whenever she dresses up every morning. Sharon has stayed au courant for a long time now, with her graciousness on the red carpets to her simplicity on television, such qualities give her more of an edge to easily stand out. Although most view her as sophisticated, she refers to her personal style as “sexy and chic”. “Fashion is always evolving,” she says, “The fashion we see today will be out of style in two years but it will come back and probably be in vogue again”. With so much panache oozing out of Sharon, one can only wonder how large her dresser is and how long it takes to put all of it together and decide what to wear before an outing, “a very long time” she exclaimed “trust me my room gets in a huge mess every time I am looking for what to wear”.
Sharon Ooja Style 3

The one fashion item she could never be caught dead wearing? “Huge platform heels (I think they’re for strippers) LOL”. Having such a busy schedule and life in the spotlight can leave anyone weary and worn out, and thus requires steady attention in the dressing room with or without a stylist. But not all the time are we within the reach of one and the ladies always have their personal styling kit with a list of must-haves. Sharon’s top three must-haves, in this case, are “a hair thong, perfume, and eyeliner”. Pretty simple though, but enough to revamp her look in a matter of minutes. Little wonder her most treasured fashion item remains the one and only Lip Gloss.
A lot
of daring designs these days, worn by a lot of audacious ladies out there, wearing borderline provocative outfits, some think it’s alright, others say it’s none of their business. Sharon Ooja says “anything can be seen as provocative depending on the body type wearing it”; and we totally agree. So, ladies, do verify your body-type before going with a particular fad. Being such an outstanding prima donna, her style has portrayed her as more of a pacesetter than just an admirer, with a whole career ahead of her, if Sharon Ooja were to be a new addition to the crayon box, she would be the color Green.
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Sharon Ooja Style 5

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