The man everyone is talking about ORE OSOBA the creative director of coz designs , covers the February issue of xpress magazine .
Mr ore Osoba is the most influential youth entrepreneur, recently bagging the award of youth entrepreneur of the year which was handed to him by the government of Kano state , Nigeria is so in love with his success story , because is turned his passion for fashion into a business and became one of the youngest millionaires in Nigeria at the age of 21 , mr ore Osoba is a first class graduate of computer science from North American university republic of Benin , he is the co founder and creative director of coz designs , the luxury leather brand that has made the world fall in love with their bags , their bags are currently being exported to 16 countries in the world , the brand is co owned by his partner adanna ngwube also a 21 year old , one year and some months in the fashion business mr ore Osoba as truly taken over the fashion industry , with a new collection on the way and a store launch soon , we can not wait to see his new designs , as the new collection , with the initials NR , as got us wondering what NR means. Mr ore Osoba is truly on his way to being the next bill gate ..